Publication 25 September 2024

Asian Bulk Logistics, As a Global Company Commited to Sustainable Business Practices Continues to Grow & Evolve

This time, our esteemed representative, Mr. Kemal, P&I, H&M and Overseas Operation Project, was honored to participate in the prestigious "Talk the Walk, Walk the Talk" event hosted by APARI (Asosiasi Ahli Pialang Asuransi dan Reasuransi Indonesia). The seminar delved into the ever-evolving landscape of Marine Hull and Marine Cargo Insurance, under the insightful theme: "Developments and Risk Challenges in Domestic Shipping."

Mr. Kemal shared his invaluable perspectives as a shipowner, providing a profound analysis of risk mitigation strategies and solutions tailored for the shipping industry. He emphasized the significance of addressing the risks associated with liquefaction, particularly in mineral cargo shipping, and highlighted the severe implications this poses for nickel ore and solid bulk cargo operations.

The event was an enriching platform, fostering dialogue on safeguarding the future of domestic shipping in the face of growing complexities.